
Platicando con Vecinos

Person looking at phone in hand with headphones

Platicando con Vecinos” is UVA Vecinos en Acción’s Spanish podcast available on all podcast streaming platforms. Our goal with this podcast is to reach out to and interact with the Latino community of Mendocino County. The name translated means “Chatting with Neighbors”, and UVA wants our listeners to feel comfortable listening to our podcast, as if they were speaking with a neighbor. In the Latino Community when someone wants to find information or is looking for resources one turns to their neighbors first.

We hope to inform the Latino community through our podcast episodes about what health equity is and why it is important to acknowledge. By informing the community on various health topics we are assessing the needs of the community, bridging gaps that may exist, as well as having open conversations on how to create equity in spaces where it is lacking.

UVA will have conversations with various agencies and people in our community discussing a variety of health related topics. Our hope is that with each episode our listeners hear that they take away knowledge, tips, wisdom, or resources.

New episodes of our podcast “Platicando con Vecinos” are released bi-weekly on Fridays. Make sure to follow and subscribe wherever you listen to your podcasts.

Find our podcast Platicando con Vecinos on these streaming platforms:

If you are interested in being a guest, suggesting a topic or would like to learn more about our podcast please reach out to UVA Vecinos en Acción by sending an email or by phone at (707) 376-8852.

Listen to our first episode where we talk about our goals for this podcast as well as a background of UVA